
Save Humanity to Save Earth" - Read More Here

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Monday, May 6, 2024

How you grow?

 When asked what she had learned in her first two years on the job, a young achiever with a postgraduate degree from IIM responded:

"In the initial year, I dedicated myself entirely to delivering the best possible work.

Then, I learnt , need to butter my boss and also creating a sense of reliance, making myself indispensable by keeping things at me.

I smiled and remarked, 'True leadership involves rendering oneself obsolete.'

She seemed irritated and asked, 'But then how do you progress?'

To which I replied, 'That's precisely how you progress, rendering oneself obsolete!'

Disappointed with the conversation, she appeared utterly perplexed.

I responded, "You'll grasp it eventually. Just not quite ready for it now."

We are fostering a society driven by the allure of material gain and comfort, neglecting the essence of true growth and fulfillment."

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